Kihavo Campus

In 2017, Kihavo Ministries built two classrooms, before the 2018 school year began, we had already outgrown those and so we quickly built an Alpendre (open-air classroom). It is our desire to better serve the village of Muxara and reach more people to share about our faith in Jesus. To do so, we need to expand.

Join us as we dream big of what could be. Currently Kihavo Ministries is working with 99 students. However, each year we have to turn students away.

Due to the war north of us, the need is even greater than before. The city of Pemba, has grown from 200,000 (2017) to 350,000 (2020) because Internally Displaced People (IDP’s) that have fled their homes out of fear for the gruesome war that is on their doorstep.

We dream of more classrooms, a library, computer lab, large teaching kitchen, worship center, basketball court and more. We are currently working on Phase 1 of the Kihavo Campus, will you join us in making this dream a reality…

David Nichols Memorial Classrooms

Our plan is to start with a block of four classrooms, one would be used as an office until we can build an office. Our long-term goal is for teachers to have their own classroom.

We plan to name the first classroom building after Amanda’s late father, David Nichols. He was an awesome pastor and human being who was a crucial part of Kihavo’s start and continued success.

Click below for more information…


We’re looking to build a block with 3 bathrooms using a combination of squatty potty and toilet. The back side of the bathrooms will be used as shelter for guard dogs.

Guard Building & Fence

Especially at night, security is a big issue, hence the need for both guards and dogs. A fence or block wall surrounding the property is also needed to keep robbers out.

The Existing Space

When Pre-school - 12th grade move across the street to the Kihavo Campus, we will repurpose the existing rooms for the Women’s Ministry and Made with Moxie (Kihavo’s line of sewn goods).

Currently we have one classroom and office dedicated to all of the Women’s Ministry needs. The repurpose would allow two room for class, a sewing classroom and one for the Made with Moxie seamstresses; that along with fabric storage, office spaces and a place to display and sell the Moxie goods.